This Week in the Library

Friday, October 24, 2008

For the upcoming Halloween holiday, I chose to read a book that is a little scary!
This week we read the book Wolf's Coming! by Joe Kulka.

Older classes (3rd and up) have discussed voting and that it is important. They voted on if they read the book or if I read the book.

We talked about how you can't judge a book by its cover and this book is a great example of that.

**Thanks for all of the support and help during the book fair! I am in the process of making orders for more books to fill this library for the children and it is thanks to all of you.**

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

This Week we are...


Kindergarten got to check out books!
They also learned how to put books on the shelf using the call number (the books address) and how to turn pages.

1st & 2nd grades heard a story
by Anne Davis called Bud and Gabby.

I spoke about friendship & the golden rule. We also talked about how sometimes you don't know what you have until it's gone and to be grateful!

Learning age appropriate ways to organize the non-fiction (dewey) and fiction sections.

The fiction and picture sections are organized alphabetically by the author's last name.
EX: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Call number is FIC R.

Something I always tell them for the Non-Fiction section is NUMBERS FIRST!

A quick nonfiction lesson for parents:
Let's say you have 5 books that all belong in a certain section (let's say Arts & Recreation, the 700's).

796 K
753 B
700 Z
796 A
720 W

What order do they go in???

If there are 2 books with the same number, then you go alphabetically.

Some kids think the book with the A should go first because alphabetically it is first. Look below for the answer!

700 Z
720 W
753 B
796 A
796 K

(They would appear left to right on the shelf)

I am so proud of these students! They are so eager to learn! KEEP IT UP!